3. Statistics

The view “Statistics” provides a concise statistical overview of the following areas of your project: “Rubrics and Modules”, “Users”, “Content”, “Templates” and “Access”.

Number of Rubrics

This value represents the total number of rubrics existing in your ConPresso project.

Number of Rubric Directories

This value represents the number of rubric directories existing in your ConPresso project.

Number of Users

This section lists the number of users registered in your project sorted by their user roles.

Number of User Groups

This value represents the number of user groups existing in your ConPresso project.

Number of Articles

This section lists the number of articles existing in your ConPresso project sorted by their status.

Number of Worked-On Articles

This section lists the number of worked-on articles sorted by the time when someone has last worked on them.

Articles by Editor

This section lists the number of articles in your project sorted by editors.


This section lists the article-templates used in your project. The name of the article-template is preceeded by a value that represents the number of times the template is used in the system.


This section lists the access data of your project sorted by rubrics. It shows detailed information on “Access of Index Page”, “Access of Article Pages” and “Access of Archive Page”. In addition to that it displays the “Time of Last Access” to a rubric.

The statistics function has been deactivated in the system settings.

The statistics function has been deactivated in the system settings. Please refer to Section 1, “” for information on how to activate this function.