2. Edit Articles (List View)

To edit an existing article, first select the rubric it is located in. You can either select the rubric from the dropdown menu in the title bar of the ConPresso backend or by clicking on “List rubrics” in the “Rubrics” menu, this will open this list of rubrics for you to choose from.

If you have the required access rights, you will then find the entry “Edit article” in the menu “Articles”. Click on this entry to open the list view “Edit articles”. ConPresso automatically displays this view when you have selected a rubric.

The “Edit articles” list view allows you to administer articles and to get a quick overview of when which article will be published in the frontend of your ConPresso project. This is mainly defined by the article's approval status and publication period.


The column “Title/Author” in the list view “Edit articles” displays the title of the articles as well as the name of the author and the name of the user who last edited the article. In front of the title you can see a little box that is either orange or green. The colour of this box indicates whether the article is visible (that is published) in the frontend of the project or not.

The symbol Published indicates that the article is published and therefore visible in the frontend of your ConPresso project. Point your cursor at the symbol and the tooltip will also display that information.

The symbol Not published indicates that the article is not published at the time being and therefore not visible in the frontend of your ConPresso project. Point your cursor at the symbol and the tooltip will also display that information. This symbol, however, does not inform you about why the article is not published. This might as well be due to the article's publication period as to its approval status. For more information on these two factors please read the explanations of the columns “Status” and “Publication”.


The column “Manage” is only visible in the list view “Edit articles” if you have the appropriate access rights for this rubric. If that is the case, you will find the following buttons and functions in this column:

For detailed information on the functions of this button please read Section 2.3, “Edit Article”.

For detailed information on the functions of this button please read Section 2.4, “Copy Article”.

For detailed information on the functions of this button please read Section 2.5, “Move Article”.

For detailed information on the functions of this button please read Section 2.6, “Delete Article”.

For detailed information on the functions of this button please read Section 2.7, “ Article Versions”. This button is available only if various versions of this article exist. If you point the cursor at this button, the tooltip will display the number of versions available.


The column “Status” in the list view “Edit articles” displays information on the approval status of the article. For more information on this topic please read Section 2.1, “The ConPresso Approval Mechanism”.


The list view “Edit articles” will display the articles of one rubric only, that is the rubric you have selected. If you have the content approval rights for various rubrics and if you want to see all articles across the rubrics to work on their approval, please click on “Approve article”in the menu “Articles”. In that view, however, you will not be able to edit the article otherwise.


The column “Publication” in the list view “Edit articles” provides information on the publication status of an article. For information on the publication period of an article please read Section 2.2, “Publication Period”.


The column “Info” in the list view “Edit articles” always displays this symbol:

Point your cursor at the symbol Article-template and the tooltip will display the name of the article-template used in this article.

In addition to that this column may contain other symbols as well.

Point your cursor at the symbol Comment and the tooltip will display the comment about this article. You can enter comments about an article while you are creating or editing it. The comment can contain remarks and annotations about the article; it is for internal use only and serves as a means of communication between users that are editing content. Therefore the comment is not displayed in the frontend of the project.

Point your cursor at the symbol Group access and the tooltip will display information on whether or not this article is personalized or restricted and which user group can access it in the frontend of the project. For more information please refer to Chapter 16, Restricted Sections and Personalization.

2.1. The ConPresso Approval Mechanism

The view described in Section 2, “Edit Articles (List View)” contains a column entitled “Status” that displays information on the approval status of an article. This information consists of a status bar, the article's status in words and three buttons whose availability depends on your access rights.

The status bar can have five different colourings that represent the following stati:

The status bar Article approved indicates that the article is approved. If it is within its publication period this means that it is also visible (published) in the frontend of the project.

The status bar Article blocked indicates that the article is blocked. It will not appear in the frontend of the project until a content editing user approves it.

The status bar Article rejected indicates that the article was rejected.

This status bar indicates that the article is "waiting". This is the case when the user has pressed the button “Save” and not the button “Save and approve article” when the article was finished. The user has either done this because his or her access rights do not include the approval of articles so that only the “Save” button was available or he or she did not want to publish the article but only to save it and continue working on it later.

This status bar indicates that the article is "waiting" while an "old version" is "approved". This is the case if the older version was already approved when a user edited the article and pressed the button “Save” instead of “Save and approve article”. The user has either done this because his or her access rights do not include the approval of articles so that only the “Save” button was available or he or she did not want to publish the article but only to save it and continue working on it later.

If you have the appropriate approval rights you can change the status of an article by clicking on the three buttons in this column.

Click on the button Approve article to approve an article. If the publication period of the article has already started, the article will be published immediately so that it is visible in the frontend of the ConPresso project.

Click on the button Block article to block an article. Thus you can prevent an article from being published even though its publication period has already started. This beckons the author to revise the article if it is to be published.

Click on the button Reject article to reject an article. For more information please read the section called “Reject Article”.

Reject Article

Click on the button Reject article to reject an article. If you do that, the result is similar to blocking an article: the article is not visible in the frontend of the ConPresso project, even if it has reached its publication period.

Other than blocking an article, rejecting an article will beckon the author to revise the article before it is published. Clicking on the button will open the view “Article rejected” where you can explain why you think the article has to be revised. Pressing the button will reject the article.


The text “Article rejected”is automatically inserted into the subject line of this email. You are free to change the subject, however.


The message of this email automatically contains the name of the ConPresso project as well as the name of the rubric of the rejected article and your name, as you are the person who is responsible for rejecting the article. You can add your reasons for rejecting the article and finalize the process either by pressing the button that submits this email or the one that does not.

2.2. Publication Period

The publication period of an article is specified when the article is created or edited. It defines the start date and time as well as the end date and time of the article's automatic publication. For more information on how to specify the publication period please read “Publication date” and “Expiration date” in Section 1, “Create Article”.

The column “Publication” renders information about the publication period of an article by displaying two- or three-coloured publication phase bars. If you have specified the article's expiration date, this phase bar is coloured orange, green and grey. If you have not specified an expiration date, it is coloured orange and grey only.

The article's publication time and date is displayed below the phase bar. If an expiration time and date was specified, this will be displayed as well.

The position of the document symbol on the phase bar indicates the publication phase the article is in.

If the document symbol is positioned in the left, orange-coloured area of the phase bar, it indicates that the article is waiting for its publication period to begin. If the right area of the phase bar is coloured grey, an expiration date has been specified for this article.

If the document symbol is positioned in the left, orange-coloured area of the phase bar, it indicates that the article is waiting for its publication period to begin. If the phase bar does not have a right, grey-coloured area, the expiration date has not been set for this article. If it has been approved, there is no end to its publication.

If the document symbol is positioned in the green-coloured area of the phase bar, it indicates that the article is within its publication period. If the right area of the phase bar is coloured grey, an expiration date has been specified for this article.

If the document symbol is positioned in the green-coloured area of the phase bar, it indicates that the article is within its publication period. If the grey-coloured area is missing in the phase bar, the expiration date of this article has not been specified. If the article has been approved, there is no end to its publication.

If the document symbol is positioned in the grey-coloured area of the phase bar, it indicates that the article has expired.

2.3. Edit Article

To select an existing article to edit please change to the list view “Edit articles” by clicking on the entry “Edit articles” of the menu “Articles”. Please make sure, that you have selected the correct rubric first.

Select the article you want to edit by clicking on the button Edit article in the column “Manage”.

The content and entry fields of the view that will open are the same as those that you will see when you are creating an article. For more information please read Section 1, “Create Article”.

2.4. Copy Article

To copy an existing article first open the list view “Edit articles” by clicking on the entry “Edit articles” in the menu “Articles”. Please make sure that you have selected the correct rubric.

Copy the article by clicking on the button Copy article in the column “Manage” and the row of the article. ConPresso will generate a copy of the article and open the view “Copy article”.

The view “Copy article” provides the same entry fields as the view “Create article”. The text "Copy of" is automatically added to the article's title by ConPresso.


Use the facility to copy an article for instance if you want to create a product description which is very similar to an existing one. The copying procedure does not make any changes to the original article of course.

2.5. Move Article

To move an existing article first open the list view “Edit articles” by clicking on the entry “Edit articles” in the menu “Articles”. Please make sure that you have selected the correct rubric.

Move the article by clicking on the button Move article in the column “Manage” and the row of the article. ConPresso opens the view “Move article” which displays the title of the article you are moving as well as a dropdown menu containing the rubrics you are allowed to move the article to.


Please choose the rubric you want to move the article to and confirm your action by clicking on the button “Move article”.


If you move an article to a rubric that does not contain the article-template used for the article in its original rubric, ConPresso will automatically apply the default article-template of the new rubric. If this default article-template lacks elements of the original article-template these element will not be lost, but they will not be visible in the frontend either. You should therefore edit the article in its new rubric. Content elements that could not be placed in the new article-template will be displayed at the bottom of the page in a section entitled “Redundant content from previous article-template ” and can be copied from there to the fields of the new article-template.

2.6. Delete Article

To delete an existing article first open the list view “Edit articles” by clicking on the entry “Edit articles” in the menu “Articles”. Please make sure that you have selected the correct rubric.

Delete the article by clicking on the button Delete article in the column “Manage” and the row of the article. When prompted confirm the deletion in the view “Delete article” by clicking on the button “Yes, delete article!” or cancel the action by clicking on the button “No. Don't delete article!”.


Articles that have been deleted thus are not deleted irrevocably and can be restored by users with the roles of "Administrator", "Superuser" and "Chief Editor". For more information please read Section 3, “Restore Article”.

2.7.  Article Versions

ConPresso stores a new article version every time you save an article. Thus, every version of the article is available in ConPresso and can be restored by users with the roles of "Administrator", "Superuser" and "Chief Editor". The list view “Edit article” displays the current article-version that can be selected for editing.

If you want to work with a previous version of an article, open the list view “Edit article” and click on this button in the column “Manage” and the row of the article.

The view “Article versions” displays the article's versions chronologically, based on the time they were saved, with the most recent version on top.

Version date

The column “Version date” in the view “Article versions” displays the time and date when a version was saved.


The column “Manage” in the view “Article versions” contains two buttons for each version:

Click on this button to restore the article version and to make it the current version.

Click on this button to delete the article version irrevocably. Please confirm your action when prompted.

The button “Delete article version” is not available, if the previous article version is still published because the current version has not been approved yet.


Article versions that have been deleted thus, cannot be restored.


The column “Status” in the view “Article versions” displays information on the approval status of the article versions. The ConPresso approval mechanism applies to the article versions just like it applies to articles. For more information please refer to Section 2, “Edit Articles (List View)” and read the section about the ConPresso approval mechanism.


If you restore an article version, its approval status will not be automatically set to "approved" but, depending on its previous status, to "waiting" or "blocked". This means that you have to approve the restored article version outside of the version archive if you want it to be published as soon as it has reached its publication period.


The column “Publication” in the view “Article versions” displays the publication period related publication status of an article as it was when the article was last saved. For more information on the topic of the article publication period please refer to Section 2, “Edit Articles (List View)”.


The column “Info” in the view “Article versions” contains the following symbol:

Point your cursor on the symbol Article-template to see which article-template is used for this version.

What other symbols that might occur in this column stand for is explained in Section 2, “Edit Articles (List View)”.